
Here you will find Charlotte Mason resources and books that are specifically suited to British Home Educators. The aim of this blog is to offer suggestions and enhancements for tailoring a Charlotte Mason education to modern Britain. It's time the CM philosophy found its place back in Britain where it all started! Please note this site will contain affiliate links, you are free to use them or not as you wish.

Friday 6 February 2015

A British Charlotte Mason Education starts here...

Welcome if you have found us here, pull up a chair and please do feel free to comment with your experiences and ideas as we try to collect together a list of Charlotte Mason resources and books that are specifically suited to British Home Educators. Charlotte Mason's ideas have been adopted passionately by homeschoolers around the world, particularly in North America, there are lots of blogs you can read from Moms over there who are loving the vibrant literary experience that a CM education provides. Many authors from both sides of the pond are recommended by online CM curriculum providers such as Ambleside Online and Simply Charlotte Mason. The aim of this blog is not to replicate (too much) recommendations from those sites, but to offer alternatives and enhancements for tailoring a Charlotte Mason education to modern Britain. It's time the CM philosophy found its place back in Britain where it all started! Please note this site will contain affiliate links, you are free to use them or not as you wish.

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