
Here you will find Charlotte Mason resources and books that are specifically suited to British Home Educators. The aim of this blog is to offer suggestions and enhancements for tailoring a Charlotte Mason education to modern Britain. It's time the CM philosophy found its place back in Britain where it all started! Please note this site will contain affiliate links, you are free to use them or not as you wish.

Sunday 22 May 2016

"Time to Talk... Charlotte Mason" - our south coast event

After chatting to lots of parents yesterday who were keen to find out more about the Charlotte Mason educational philosophy I thought I'd reinstate my blogging to follow up on some of the conversations we had.

To summarise my intro from the first session of our "Time to talk... Charlotte Mason" event, I have been learning about and implementing Charlotte Mason's methods in my home educating for the last 7 years. We have managed to avoid wasting too much money on workbooks, textbooks and school-y resources, despite the massive pressure that all home educators feel to demonstrate that learning is taking place despite the more relaxed feel to their home-based education. I have found that gathering the children together, often under a blanket, to read from inspiring, living books has been an amazing foundation for our learning. The draw of another chapter from a fabulous story is sufficient to stop even the most ardent Lego-er in their tracks and bring them to the sofa (OK, let's 'fess up, often the bed!) for listening to the next instalment.

I have found that once the children are 'fed' in a literary sense they are much more willing to try a little handwriting, or tell me about something I have read aloud. When I have poured into them (reading aloud can be tiring and can feel overwhelming but that is because you are giving something of yourself to your children through telling them the story), then they have more to give themselves and have the strength to give it a go. Never underestimate the power of storytelling to nourish your child's soul and bring them to a more peaceful and confident place, particularly if you have chosen wisely from some of the greatest books of all time!

If you are new to the Charlotte Mason philosophy then Karen Andreola's book is a good place to start. It's the purple one below. Here are a few more of my favourite reads for any aspiring CM mother.

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